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Baltic amber stone with inclusion - 4 tiny unknown creatures, looks like tiny  pill millipedes .....

Baltic amber stone with inclusion - very rare millipede Diplopoda Polyzoniida Polyzonidae.  .....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - checkered beetle Cleridae, probably Orthrius and soft millip.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - bristly millipede Synxenidae and nice false scorpion Pseu.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - millipede Diplopoda. It weighs 1.3 grams. Measuremen.....

Baltic amber stone with inclusion - extremely rare nice pill millipede Glomeridae. It weighs 0......

Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - nice looking millipede Diplopoda and hairy fungus beetle .....

Baltic amber stone with inclusion - nice large fat millipede Diplopoda. It weighs 1.7 grams. Me.....

Baltic amber stone with inclusion - extremely rare badly preserved pill millipede Glomeridae. Covere.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - rare well preserved silvanid flat bark beetle Silvanidae, pr.....

Baltic amber stone with inclusion - nice large millipede Diplopoda. It weighs 1.3 grams. Measur.....

Baltic amber stone with inclusion - extremely rare great preserved pill millipede Glomeridae. I.....

Baltic amber stone with inclusion - superb looking curled millipede Diplopoda. It weighs 0.6 gr.....

Baltic amber stone with inclusion - great looking curled millipede Diplopoda. It weighs 1.7 gra.....

Genuine polished Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - millipede Diploda (not cut).It weighs 1 .....