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Inclusions are all the objects that are trapped in amber. It can be both organic and inorganic.Over a thousand species of insects and crustacea have been found in it. The most familiar of these are insects and spiders, but there are many other things that have also been trapped. These include bacteria, fungi and many different types of plants such as botanical debris, carbonized wood, cones, needles, and bark. Invertebrate animals (those without backbones), include worms, snails. You can also find vertebrates, but these are extremely rare and consists of frogs, lizards, birds feathers and mammal remains.
Very small Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - several dragonfly wings Odonata. &nbs.....
Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - dry bark beetle Bothrideridae, Pseudobothrideres undescribed.....
Baltic amber stone with inclusion - 4 tiny unknown creatures, looks like tiny pill millipedes .....
Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - rare dry bark beetle Bothrideridae, Teredinae. .....
Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - very rare, freshly hatched dustywing Neuroptera Con.....
Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - great looking spider Araneae. It weighs 2.8 .....
Baltic amber stone with inclusion - rare fragment of lizard paw skin. It weighs 3.5 grams. Measur.....
Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - spider cocoon hidden under debris, after examination unde.....
Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - large spider Araneae. It weighs 1.3 grams. M.....
Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - 3 spiders Araneae, 2 of them in action + moth fly in the .....
Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - large unusual spider with very big pedipalps, probably Zo.....
Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - large bunch of mammalian hair and fungus gnat Mycetophilidae.....
Baltic amber stone with fossil insects - large winged ant Formicidae. It weighs 4.4 gra.....
Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - great looking spread wings dustywing Coniopterygidae. .....
Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - tiny spider on leaf (splint). It weighs 1.7 .....