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Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - perfectly preserved woodlouse Oniscidae. It .....
Baltic amber stone with inclusion - great nice large woodlouse (woodlice) Isopoda. It weighs 1......
Baltic amber stone with fossil insect inclusion - extremely rare freswater shrimp Amphipoda Gammarid.....
Baltic amber stone with inclusion - nice looking curled up woodlouse Isopoda. It weighs 0.8 gra.....
Baltic amber stone with inclusion - nice looking woodlouse Isopoda. It weighs 0.6 grams. Measur.....
Baltic amber stone with inclusion -woodlouse Isopoda. It weighs 1.3 grams. Measurements of ston.....
Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - probably unique action, some unknown insect or isopod lar.....
Baltic amber stone with inclusion - nice looking woodlouse Isopoda. It weighs 0.4 grams. Measureme.....
Baltic amber stone with 2 aquatic inclusions ! - extremely rare freswater shrimp Amphipoda Cra.....
Baltic amber stone with inclusion - huge woodlouse Isopoda. It weighs 6.1 grams. Measurements of s.....
Baltic amber stone with inclusion - large woodlouse Isopoda. It weighs 1.4 grams. Measurements of .....
Baltic amber stone with inclusion - isopod woodlouse Oniscidae. It weighs 0.4 grams. Measurements .....
Baltic amber stone with inclusion - large isopod woodlouse Oniscidae. It weighs 0.8 grams. Measure.....
Baltic amber stone with inclusion - isopod woodlouse Oniscidae. It weighs 1.5 grams. Measurements .....
Baltic amber stone with inclusion - perfect looking colorful isopod woodlouse Oniscidae and spider. .....