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Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusions - very rare 2 two-pronged bristletails Diplura, it is bad .....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - great looking spread wings whitefly Aleyrodidae and wasp (a .....

Baltic amber stone with inclusion - moss twig Bryophyta, small plant splint leaf, mould and gnat. .....

Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - huge probably great looking oak hairy bud, several flies .....

Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - huge case made of perfectly curled nice leaf, probably Le.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - superb looking probably plant bug nymph Miridae. It weighs.....

Small Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - rare nice assassin bug nymph Reduviidae. It weighs 1.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - not good preserved but very rare flat bug Aradidae, Calisius.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - rare flat bug nymph Aradidae. It weighs 3 grams. Measureme.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - spider wasp Pompilidae with probably some small prey. Parts .....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - superb preserved and great looking rolled-winged stonefly Pl.....

Small Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - rare assassin bug nymph Reduviidae. It weighs 0.2 gr.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insects - Phoridae, Limulomya tyche, mating guard pair or just after......

Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - nice large moth Lepidoptera.It weighs 1.8 grams. Measurem.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - nice spread wings moth Lepidoptera and fly.It weighs 2.1 .....