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Baltic amber stone with fossil insect -  rare webspinner Embioptera ( cut ). It weighs 0.3.....

Small Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - superb looking perfect preserved coccid Coccoidea prob.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - 2 prabably metallic wood-boring beetle larvaes Buprestida.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - unknown very small beetle larvae probably a predaceous-ha.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - large nice looking spread wings moth Lepidoptera with severa.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - moth Lepidoptera. It weighs 0.2 grams. Measurements .....

Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - nice caterpillar moth Lepidoptera. It weighs 3.2 gra.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - caterpillar moth Lepidoptera. It weighs 0.9  gr.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insects - ant are attacking and eating very rare silky lacewing Psych.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - very rare praying mantis Mantodea. It weighs 2.4 grams......

Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - very rare superb preserved pine cone Pinaceae and aphid n.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect -  superb well preserved walking stick Phasmatodea. .....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect -  extremely rare adult earwig Dermaptera with nicely pre.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - extremely rare conifer-feeding Sawfly Diprionidae. I.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusions- large phoretic (or parasitic) mite on long-legged fly Dol.....