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Large Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - checkered beetle larva Cleridae in nice looking mould .....

Baltic amber stone with inclusions - all piece filled with moss twigs Bryophyta.   It wei.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusions - 2 extremely rare inclusions in one piece - garden centip.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - mate guarding or just after mating great looking dance flies.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect inclusion - huge sawfly Symphyta larvae on big bark fragment. .....

Baltic amber stone with inclusion - large piece filled with rare bunch of mammalian hair and several.....

Baltic amber stone with inclusion - 5 large spider wasps Pompilidae (with unusual hairy genitalia) ,.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insects - large swarm of 50 + insects, mostly there are gnats and cli.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insects - large swarm of ~ 50+ true midges Chironomidae.   .....

Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - great looking vestiges of large plant twigs and leaves. .....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insects - fighting ants Formicidae, one ant is biting another ant'.....

Baltic amber stone with inclusion - rare reptilia lizard skin fragment. It weighs 0.5 grams. Me.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - huge larval case, probably Lepidopteran. Case is built fr.....

Baltic amber stone with inclusion - rare round worm Nematoda, probably Tylenchida Allantonematidae j.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - great scene - 2 perfect looking pairs. 2 ensign coccid Orthe.....