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Baltic amber stone with fossil well preserved large spider. It weighs 10.3 grams. Measurements of .....

Baltic amber stone with fossil great looking perfectly preserved harvestmen Opilione and cobweb. I.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil nice spider, fly Dolichopodidae, planthopper nymph Fulgoroidea and pa.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil large pseudoscorpion Pseudoscorpionida. It weighs 2.4 grams. Measur.....

Baltic amber stone with 5 phoretic mites on midge, nice fly, wasp and several midges. It weighs 7......

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - great looking mayfly Ephemeroptera and jumping spider Saltic.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil isopod woodlouse and 2 tiny spiders. It weighs 1 grams. Measurem.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil rare spider egg sac, sac is not damaged but is not full of eggs. It.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil mammalian hair strand and large spider. It weighs 2 grams. Measurem.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil large pseudoscorpion Pseudoscorpionida. It weighs 4.3 grams. Measur.....