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Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - superb looking planthopper nymph Fulgoroidea. It weighs.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insects - perfect looking small swarm of 4 leafhopper cicadas nymphs .....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - perfect looking superb preserved leafhopper Cicadellidae. .....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insects - very good looking composition of rove beetles Staphylinidae.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - well preserved superb looking planthopper Fulgoroidea. It .....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - nice looking large planthopper Fulgoroidea. It weighs 3.6 .....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - great looking planthopper nymph Fulgoroidea with wax tail. .....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - nice looking large planthopper Fulgoroidea. It weighs 1.4 .....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - great looking huge planthopper nymph Fulgoroidea with unusua.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - well preserved large planthopper Fulgoroidea. It weighs 2......

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - nice looking large planthopper Fulgoroidea. It weighs 1.3 .....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - great looking planthopper nymph Fulgoroidea. It weighs 2.5.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - not perfectly preserved but huge cicada. It weighs 3.4 gra.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - very rare phoretic spider bites cicada abdomen, one more .....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - superb looking cicada nymph exuviae. It weighs 0.3 grams. .....