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Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - perfectly preserved spread wings lacewing Neurorthidae, p.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - perfectly looking large spread wings mayfly Ephemeroptera. .....

Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - probably unique action, some unknown insect or isopod lar.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - extremely rare large wasp (hornet, yellowjacket) Vespidae.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - probably rare sawfly larvae Hymenoptera Symphyta. Larvae .....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - some unique action, spread wings aphid female give bird of s.....

Baltic amber stone with inclusions - very rare genus of moss (Bryophyta), probably Trachycystis. The.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - unknown tiny larvae probably some Neuroptera or Coleopteran .....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - rare flat bug Aradidae. It weighs 3.1 grams. Measurements .....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - rare flat bug Aradidae. It weighs 0.9 grams. Measurements .....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - superb looking ironclad beetle Zopheridae, probably undescri.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - rare flat bug Aradidae. It weighs 1 grams. Measurements of.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - very rare aquatic marsh beetle larvae Scirtidae. It weighs.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - very rare aquatic predaceous diving beetle larvae Dytiscidae.....

Baltic amber stone with inclusion - very rare millipede Diplopoda, Polyzoniida, Polyzonidae. It we.....