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Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - large stilt-legged fly Micropezidae (cut one eye), rove beet.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - nice mayfly Ephemeroptera. It weighs 2.4 grams. Measuremen.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insects - 2 caddisflies Trichoptera (pair ?). It weighs 3.2 grams. .....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - great looking spread wings scale insects Coccoidea, Matsucoc.....

Baltic amber stone with inclusion - extremely rare round worm Nematoda leaving fly Dolichopodidae bo.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - probably parasitic mite on long-legged fly abdomen Dolich.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil inclusion - probably parasitic mite on long-legged fly head Dolichopo.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - badlly preserved rare assassin bug nymph Reduviidae, Emesina.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - great looking large spider wasp Pompilidae. It weighs 5.1 .....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - very rare large scorpionfly Mecoptera. It weighs 2.6 grams.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - small thrip Thysanoptera.It weighs 0.3 grams. Measurements o.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - great ant Formicinae Gesomyrmecini. It weighs 1.6 grams. M.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - rare nice gall midge Cecidomyiidae. It weighs 0.2 grams. M.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insect - probably Flutter-wing Fly Pallpteridae Glaesolonchaea electr.....

Baltic amber stone with fossil insects - superb looking row of ant Formicinae. It weighs 2.1 grams.....